CaribbeanOpus is a job board for job offers. We publish job offers from job boards in your country and your offer appeared on one of this sites. This is why you received an application from our users for your job offer.
Post jobs for free and appear in general search results. Pay to sponsor. Sponsor your jobs to attract candidates faster.
Candidates will contact you using the data you put into the field 'Contact Information', or alternatively, by accessing the web page you provide in the field 'Job Offer URL'.
If you choose to insert your email address you will receive a CaribbeanOpus alert each time a user applies to your offer, with applicants' cv and cover letter directly in your email. Please contact us if you would like to insert your email address.
Your jobs are going to be displayed for max. 30 days, but if you wish so, you can interrupt this by pausing or deleting your job offer at any time.
Please, do not post your job listing for:
For more information see our Terms of Use